Luna updates

Luna updates

Luna updates

Luna updates

Features, fixes & improvements.

Features, fixes & improvements.

Features, fixes & improvements.

Features, fixes & improvements.

In time for revision season, we’ve released some improvements to Luna’s speed when loading flashcards and addressed a user reported bug affecting some users:

  • Improved loading times when viewing cards in collections

  • Fixed a bug that created a ‘failed to fetch’ error message

This update contains a number of bug fixes for older Luna collections and improvements to performance:

  • Updated the favicon to be the Luna logo when bookmarked

  • Improved loading times within the app

  • Fixed a bug that created an error when opening collections

  • Fixed a bug that stopped collections from showing on the ‘All collections’ tab

  • Fixed a bug that showed error code 500 when editing cards in smart scheduling

  • Fixed the review all button being greyed out incorrectly when creating collections

  • Fixed start and end date years that were unable to be typed


March 1, 2024

This update includes improvements to Luna’s performance:

  • Improved loading times during flashcard creation

  • Improved loading times when viewing cards in collections

Luna 1.0.4

November 22, 2023

This update contains fixes for bugs reported to us by users:

  • Fixed a bug that caused some users to see an error message when trying to edit a card (even though there was no error!)

  • Fixed a bug that stopped the latest confidence score being correctly shown after a review

Luan mobile app
Luan mobile app
Luan mobile app

This update sees a whole load of post-launch clean ups, with some UI improvements and feature enhancements made. Plus, improved accessibility throughout and some bugs squashed.

  • Added snack bar system providing the user with subtle feedback on their actions

  • AddedLearn more about scheduling” link in collection settings

  • Added ‘Set all’ button to change all cards from short answer to true/false question type when generating cards

  • Added onboarding tour video after registration to help users get the most out of Luna (can also be accessed via Settings > Support & Legal)

  • Improved accessibility across the app (Luna now scores 100% for the accessibility component using Lighthouse, an open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages).

  • Improved the review cards process so next card is automatically displayed once the confidence rating is applied

  • Improved retake review flow by removing the unnecessary 'Start' screen

  • Improved answer cards to allow up to 400 characters

  • Improved display of newly added cards by highlighting them in the collection

  • Improved UI consistency across the app

  • Fixed a bug causing text to be input on an existing collection when updating settings

  • Fixed character limit on the name field in the user settings

Luna 1.0.2

August 16, 2023

A small post-release update to implement a couple of features and fixes that weren’t quite ready for the initial release.

  • Added a fallback for unsupported translations.

  • Added ability to mark collections as complete / uncompleted.

  • Improved account creation process with direct activation links.

  • Fixed the colour setting on the new collection page.

Luna 1.0.1

July 4, 2023

Minor updates and fixes

Luna web app
Luna web app
Luna web app

Create flashcards in an instant through the power of AI. Luna makes your study materials into flashcards for you to learn from, taking the key insights and turning them into questions and answers. Or, give Luna a short prompt and the AI will give you a collection of flashcards from that alone. Plus, revision schedules that work based on the evidence-backed theories of spaced repetition and active recall. Luna makes learning new information easier be that for a lesson, exam, presentation, or whatever else.

Organise tasks, optimise time & overcome challenges

Organise tasks, optimise time & overcome challenges

Organise tasks, optimise time & overcome challenges

Organise tasks, optimise time & overcome challenges

Create flashcards at the speed of AI

Create flashcards at the speed of AI

Create flashcards at the speed of AI

Create flashcards at the speed of AI

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help your students

See our products in action and find out how they support students with a certified demo and get your own assessor / trainer licence. Or to enquire about institutional licensing, get in touch with our sales team.